Silver Creek Software – Purchase Orders


Purchase Orders


The Purchase Orders module is a complete PO processing system for real-time tracking of vendor purchases, inventory costs and item quantity balances. It has been designed to handle multiple purchasing and receiving options. Our unique buyer’s worksheet, vendor menus and buy sheet control process allow personnel to save large amounts of time in the procurement process. Our reporting capabilities allow the buyers to see exactly what was bought in previous periods to make their purchase requirement estimates more accurate.

Transaction Entry
  • PO’s are created designating the freight carrier, pickup number, warehouse ship-from, load date, arrival date, and receiving location. PO’s can be created from predefined vendor menus similar to the process in Sales Orders.
  • PO line items can have product cost, freight cost, and brokerage fees adding to product landed cost or inventory weighted average cost.
  • Sales tabulation screen updates buyers with product sales in real time.
  • Lot tracking can be enabled, allowing product to be tracked by lot throughout the distribution process.
  • Visual Produce’s unique buy sheet control process allows buyers to graphically see what they need to buy based on current orders, product movement history and minimum stocking levels, and then paste that information onto a spreadsheet-like grid.
  • Buy sheet control allows buyers to assign vendors, costs and pickup numbers, create loads based on logical ship-from warehouses and then automatically create the PO’s for each vendor. Buyers that have used the system maintain that “hours of time are saved each day by using this unique process.”
  • Receiving documents and inspection items are printed from the system and given to the warehouse personnel to check each truck as it is unloaded. Any discrepancies can be immediately noted on these documents.
  • Enables product to be purchased in different units of measure than the company stocks or sells in.
  • Notes and memos of unlimited size can be attached to each line item of the PO.
  • Immediately updates inventory on hand amounts and vendor balances when product is received.
  • PO’s can be put on hold if there is a problem.
  • Choose to ship a purchase order to a different address, including  customer, if a drop-ship Sales Order has been created for the customer.
Order Fulfillment
  • Writes purchase orders and handles receiving.
  • Sales tabulation screen updates buyers with product sales in real-time.
  • Items can be designated to require inspection prior to receipt, with report tracking for items pending or failing receipt.
  • Allows for multiple suppliers on each inventory item.
  • Supports receipts to multiple inventory locations on a single purchase order.
  • During receipt process, labels can be printed for all or partial received inventory.
  • Pallet tags can be printed at receipt.
Landed Cost & Freight Load Management
  • Allows for multiple vendors on each load.
  • Separate AP vouchers are created for vendors, freight carriers, and brokers all from one Purchase Order. The system integrates with AP to track liabilities and invoice PO receipts.
  • Load sheets are printed detailing how much of what product has been purchased from which warehouse with the associated phone numbers, pickup numbers, etc. printed alongside the valid locations. This information is then faxed or e-mailed to the trucking firm for dispatch.
  • Freight can be distributed across the items on the PO or load by weight, cube, pallet or standard freight value.
  • The Multi-Currency option allows sales to be recorded in the customer’s currency while tracking Revenue and COGS transactions in the company base currency.
  • Standard Reports
  • Purchase Orders (pre-printed or laser forms)
  • Buyer’s Worksheet
  • Status Report by PO#,Vendor, Item, Ship Date, Arrival Date
  • PO Receipts (detail and summary)
  • Unbilled PO receipts (detail and summary)
  • Open Order Report (detail and summary)
  • Vendor File Report
  • Load Report (detail, summary and recap)
  • Receiving Manifest
  • Inventory File Report
  • Business Status
  • Product labels on Zebra label printers
  • Pallet tags with barcodes