Silver Creek Software – Electronic Data Interchange

Data Import/Export

Visual Produce also supports many different Data Import/ Export configurations to allow orders, invoices and reports to be processed electronically. Some of the companies we support include Avendra, Bloonim, TGIF, Brinker, Paera, Sodexho, Applebee’s, Darden, and CrunchTime. This list is being added to constantly.

  • The basic premise for Data Import/Export is that two companies agree to exchange data electronically in an agreed-upon file format. The most common file formats include ASCII text, Excel, HTTP and XML.
  • Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Shipping Notifications are received and sent via a File Transfer Protocol(FTP) between trading partners.
  • VISUAL PRODUCETM will automatically send and/or receive files based on timers that are configured within the program.
  • Transmittal. Receiving and Error logs are updated with each transmission, thereby allowing our clients to audit activity and troubleshoot problems.
Electronic Data Interchange

Visual Produce supports Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with multiple Value Added Networks (VAN). At the present time approximately one third of our client base uses EDI to send and retrieve electronic documents with their customers.

  • Inventory Journal
  • Inventory Transfers
  • Inventory Analysis
  • Summary Report
  • Inventory on Hand
  • Inventory Suppliers
  • Lot Availability
  • Inventory Valuation (Summary or Detail)
  • Recommended Reorders
  • Inventory Worksheets & Suppliers
  • Lot Status and Lot Activity
  • Lot Traceability both forward (to which customers) and backward (from which packers)
  • General Ledger Link Codes
  • Business Status

electronic data interchange

Visual Produce EDI